The Parish Church of

St James the Great



The United Benefice of Chapelthorpe and Woolley

with West Bretton


The Eucharist

The Eucharist, which is also called Holy Communion, The Mass, The Lord's Supper or the Divine Liturgy is a celebration and re-enactment of the Last Supper.  

This is when Christians come together to remember, celebrate and partake in this meal themselves.  

The Last Supper was the final meal when Jesus Christ shared a meal with his disciples before his arrest, and eventual crucifixion. At the meal Jesus ate bread and wine and instructed his disciples to do the same in memory of him.

The prayers, readings and songs in a Eucharistic service remind those taking part of that final meal and of the solemn words and actions of someone standing at the edge of death.  By doing this we remember what Jesus did for each one of us and that we are connected to all Christians throughout the world from the beginning of time to it's end.

In the Eucharist the bread and the wine is consecrated (blessed) by the vicar (priest) and is then offered to all who are there, as God's holy gift for God's holy people.  If you are Confirmed and normally take Communion (the bread and the wine) in your own church you will be more than welcome to take these holy gifts in one of our churches.  If you are not Confirmed you will be invited to receive a blessing from the priest.  

Please see our calendar for the the days and times of our services,all are welcome.

Friday 24th January
9:00am - 11:00am -
Sunday 26th January
10:30am - 11:45am -
Tuesday 28th January
1:30pm - 2:15pm -
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